Aobane Antiquarian Bookshop LLC was established in Kyoto, Japan, in 2017. We are specialist dealers with Books on Japan printed in Western countries from 16th Century to 20th Century, History of Social Sciences (Law, Politics, Economics) and Human Scinences (Philosophy, Literature).
On our website, new titles are added at a regular basis. We also issue one or two catalogues a year. Our main customers are Japanese university libraries, scholars. We regularly search for items to assist our clients research and building their collections.
Our philosophy is condensed in the following Seneca’s proverb;
“Non refert quam multos sed quam bonos libros habeas ac legas. ”
(Sen. Ep. XLV. 1)
We also have great respect for the following message by Frederik Muller, a great antiquarian bookseller in the 19th Century in the Netherlands;
“Since I began my present business, now more than thirty years ago my firm conviction was, and it has ever remained such-that the antiquarian bookseller can largely serve science-bibliography or literary history especially-without forgetting his own profit; providing his mind be not wholly engrossed by money-making speculations.”
(Muller’s Americana, 1872.)
The development of science and culture by antiquarian books is exactly what we are aiming at.
Aobane Antiquarian Bookshop LLC
Takayuki Hada
Contact Us
Telephone, Fax: 81-75-585-5477
E-mail: kyoto@aobane.com
203, Hinode Bldg.
1-5 Tanakashimoyanagi-cho
Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8204, Japan